Oct 2024

My Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During the month of October, the church celebrates the memory of the Great Martyr Demetrios. Saint Demetrios was a high-ranking officer in the Roman army who considered himself a soldier of Christ FIRST and a military soldier second. Because of his faith in Christ, he spent most of his time as a missionary preaching the Gospel and converting pagans at secret meetings.

The epistle reading for the commemoration of Martyrs from St. Paul’s second letter to Timothy (2:3) says: “You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” St. John Chrysostom writes: “It produces some consolation to the faithful, that the Apostle should have been exposed to great sufferings, and not rendered weak by the utmost of them.”

Not only was St. Demetrios a true “soldier of Jesus Christ” but was also “exposed to great sufferings and not rendered weak by the utmost of them.” In his life we have an example to follow during our own spiritual struggle. As the struggles came, the faith of the Saint didn’t waver. He endured all things and continued to confess the truth of Christ.

Whatever our struggles may be and how ever they may come to each of us, the benefit of the life of St. Demetrios can help us endure. I pray our Lord gives us the faith and strength of St. Demetrios as we continue to strive to fulfill His Will.

In His Service,

+Fr. Mario